The Vakhtangov theatre season closing ceremony on the Arbat street.

24 June 2012

The festiveseasonclosingof theVakhtangov theatrewas held onJune, 24 at theArbat,atthe main entranceto the theater.On this day,the theaterperformedits Anniversary production “The Haven”, after which the brilliantVakhtangov actors: Yulia Borisova, Lyudmila Maksakova, Vasily Lanovoy,Galina Konovalova, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Yevgeny Knyazev, Irina Kupchenkoaccompanied byalmostthe entire companywent out to theArbat street, to say goodbye to their audiencetillthe beginning of the new season.Artistic directorRimasTuminasand theatre’s directorKirillKrok were present as well.Theconcertwas started by the young Vakhtangov generation. Even those who have beenrecentlyadmitted tothe 1stStudio of the VakhtangovTheater took part in it.A host of the Arbatconcert -YuliaRutberg.