Nominees for the Theatral magazine Award

13 September 2017

Dear visitors!

The Vakhtangov theatre artists and plays have been nominated for one of prestigious Russian theatre Awards. You may wish to vote for us by the link:

 «Лучший спектакль. Большая форма» = Best show. Big stage.

The last position listed is «Царь Эдип», реж. Р. Туминас (Театр им. Вахтангова) which is ‘Oedipus Rex’ directed by Rimas Tuminas

 «Лучшая женская роль» = Best Actress.

Though in this case he is actually the best performer who plays a female role this time. The last position says  «Этуш Владимир, «Бенефис» (Театр им. Вахтангова)» = Vladimir Etush (for ‘The Benefit’).

 «Лучший режиссер» = Best Director.

The next-to-last position says: «Tуминас Римас, «Царь Эдип» (Театр им. Вахтангова)» = Rimas Tuminas (for ‘Oedipus Rex’).

We skip nominations 8 — 11 (but we hope that you’ll decide to select the reputable winners).

May the best win!