Ural Theatre Forum in Chelyabinsk

26 September 2017

Over six hundred delegates take part in the Ural Theatre Forum, which has been opened in Chelyabinsk on the 26th of September, 2017.

Addressing the audience, Boris Dubrovsky, the Chelyabinsk region Governor, pointed out that theatre professionals and amateurs are especially glad to see Alexander Kalyagin, Head of the Russia Theatre Union, Vladimir Urin, General Manager of the Bolshoy Theatre, Kirill Krok, General Manager of the Vakhtangov Theatre, and Valentina Muzytchuk, Deputy Director of the Institute for Economics.

For three days delegates will discuss priority problems of the theatre process in Russia. Round tables and master classes will be run by leading theatre figures. Ural theatres will show best performances to the guests of the region.